Levittown Lanes

Email Club Sign



2024/2025 Winter Leagues

Join a Bowling League!!

Interested in joining a Bowling League?

League Bowling is one of the most popular recreational sports in America.  If you're not a current League Bowler, chances are you know someone who is, even if you don't think you do!  League bowling has given many hours of joy (and, YES!!! Frustration too!!  LOL) to people since the inception of the sport, and continues to do so.

Joining a league is a great way to build long-lasting friendships and enjoy a little competition.  We make getting involved with a team easy or bring in your own team.  We have a range of leagues available on all days and at all times.  If you have any questions, shoot us an email or call us at the center (516) 731-5700 and one of our friendly knowledgeable staff will be happy to help!!!


League Bowling at Levittown Lanes


  • Fall/Winter League Signup 2024/2025

  • Phone Number

Levittown Logo

56 Tanners Ln.
Levittown, NY 11756
(516) 731-5700

email: levittownbowling@aol.com

Social Links:

Instagram Link - Levittown_Lanes_NY    Levittown_Lanes_NY

Tik Tok Link - @LevittownLanes    @LevittownLanes